Wedding Planner Education | The Tools You'll Want to Grow Your Business

In this day and age, we don’t have to start from scratch when it comes to running our business. We’ve got tech and tools to do just about everything in our day-to-day lives so why not take advantage of these time-saving platforms to streamline your business operations as well. Everything from your inquiry workflows, email campaigns, brochures, timelines, questionnaires and much more - but the question is what Customer Relations Management (CRM) Platform is best for you?


This powerful platform has completely changed the way that we work through inquiries, send contracts, communicate with our clients and collaborate with other creatives. I love how streamlined the whole system is and that it is very mobile friendly. Recently, I was able to send a proposal and have a signed contract with payment back from the client within about 6 minutes all while I was in the airport security line. Mindblowing! You can sign up for a free 7 day trial and 50% discount with our referral link here.

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Aisle Planner

Once our planning company consistently managed more than 15 projects simultaneously, we knew it was time to find a better way to organize our projects. In comes Aisle Planner to the wedding industry scene to completely revolutionize the tools available to planners. We’re talking master timelines, budget tracking, RSVP Management, Design & Layout Tools,.. yep pretty much the dream stuff right here. You can sign up for a free trial to give it a spin by using our referral code ozhf for a free 30 day trial and 25% off for your first three months.



Dubsado is a multi-faceted hub that allows you to create a very fluid workspace for not only your business but for your clients when they access shared information. What we also love about Dubsado most is their amazing customer service and support team who are always adding new features, the ability to manage multiple brands and users under one roof. Dubsado can be customized with your unique branding for a cohesive user experience. You can sign up for a free trial allowing you to have up to 3 clients/projects before needing to upgrade to the paid plans. you can lock in a lower rate before December 3rd by using our referral link.


Pops of Confetti

Who else is a fan of confetti? (raise hand emoji). Then you’re going to love my friend, Serena’s new offer through @popsofprettystock. The CONFETTI CLUB! This membership experience exists to make social media fun again! 

  • Imagine always knowing what to post across your platforms

  • Imagine knowing how to “hack” the algorithm and actually reach your target market

  • Imagine not spending hours paralyzed with worry that you’ll post the wrong thing

  • Imagine not being confused by stories, highlights, saves, collections and impressions

  • Imagine showing up on the first page of Google 

  • Imagine actually booking business from your social media

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Shed the stress, spend more time celebrating your business and join a community of wedding pros and creatives that believe social media can be fun again.  

The Confetti Club membership experience includes: 

  • Monthly social media training and tips from a wedding industry veteran of 15 years. 

  • Weekly office hours via Private Facebook Group  + Voxer) with social media expert, Serena Waller of Delegate & Elevate - a social media strategist + manager that works exclusively with wedding pros over the last four years. 

  • Expert advice from seasoned pros on the topics of branding, work-flow, systems, and more for your growing business

  • Exclusive stock-photo galleries to use in your online & offline marketing

  • A community of like-minded entrepreneurs 

  • More surprises along the way!

From curating powerful hashtag lists and how to get strategic with your content to understanding your social analytics and optimizing your social platforms, you’ll finally have your go-to resource to help you make sense of it all in the rapidly changing social media space! You can join the Confetti Club with our referral link here!